sábado, 29 de outubro de 2011

Storytelling for the Screen Assignment 2

 Look at an incident in your own life or in the life of
someone that you know and apply the basic shape of
The Hero's Journey to it. Write this down in no more
than 1 page.

         So I’m going to tell you a little about my own story.
Why I’m here and this little episode in my life that’s going to be my “scene” and I’m going to adapt it like in the shape of the Hero with a thousand faces!
         So I got my “Call to adventure” when I was accepted in Middlesex, I didn’t really had the “refusal of the call”, but I had some “supernatural aid”, I was so desperate to find a good university, that I ended up goggling “boy wants to go study cinema to UK” and I just like stumbled in a blog of a PORTUGUESE girl that was studying cinema in here, she helped me a lot, so I can consider her as to be my “supernatural aid”.
         My “Crossing of the First Threshold” was definitely in the airport, where I have said good-bye to the people that where always there for me for 19 years my grandparents, aunt and uncle, my parents, and as much important, my cousins, people that I share almost everything every day, as ate least 1 was with me and I was still on my mother's belly, she’s awesome, another one has been with me since kinder garden, and it’s more than a friend, and then my youngest cousin, well he is pretty much like the cousin I’ve spent my youth with, they are like the best cousin/friends family you could ever ask for, and then of course my girlfriend, she was the hardest to say goodbye! She’s great! Perfect! 
          This was my “The Crossing of the First Threshold” as when I passed through those gates in the airport it was everything unknown to me! I didn’t had the bases that I had for 19 years.
         The moment I arrived to London was my “Belly of the Whale” everything was unknown, and some still are, but I found a world so much more different from where I came from, I can say that the similarities can be counted from two or three pars of hands.
Right know I’m dealing with my “The Road of Trials”, as pretty much since I have arrived I have only beaten into walls, my first trial was with the house, back in Portugal I was talking to some girls and they had a room going free in Finchley, they said that I would have the room, and the night I arrived to London and to the house, I was told that they needed to do me an interview, and that they would could me in the next day, so I have spent my first night in London in a station. In the morning, they didn’t call me, so I decide to call them, the answer I got from them, was that they already had someone for 1 week to move in to the room. So I’ve stayed in the hostel until now.

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